BzzAgent Greenvics reporting for BzzCampaign Kroger Private Selection.
I woooo'd outloud when I received my bzzkit today, not only were there coupons for $2.00 off to give my family and friends, there were three Free Private Selection Brand coupons. Along with a really nifty Oven Mitt. LOVE, LOVEE! The choices that Kroger has for their Private Selection lines. I was blown away by the options. These are good quality products I would completely consider purchasing again.
Honestly I haven't been shopping at Krogers like I used to, not since they stopped doubling coupons here in Columbus, Ohio, off Bethal Rd., I used to go in weekly, and buy things, and get great catalina deals. I did not know about Krogers Private Select brand til I was offered this campaign. When I checked out, It printed a 3.00 off your next shopping trip catalina too, I smiled so big, and the cashier asked me where did I get the coupons, and I had my bzzagent kroger booklet so I let her look through it. I don't mind the weird looks I get when I tell strangers I'm a BzzAgent, the really curious ones will go home and goto BzzAgent.com.
I picked out a variety of things to try.
Private Selection Pizza(Used Free Coupon), Pepperonni & Roasted Garlic. Even the box made it look delish, The crust was a little thick for me, I love thin crust, and the box said it was thin and flaky, everything else was right on tho. I could taste the stravecchio parmesan, the perlini mozzarella, just enough basil, and fire roasted garlic seasoning. I wish the veggie one would have had chicken on it. Haha. That one looked really good too.
Private Selection Appetizers (Used Free Coupon), SPANAKOPITA, Yes, I had to write it in Caps, IT was BEYOND DELICIOUS, and FLAKY, and I shouldn't have shared this w/the husband. I can completely say this was by far my favorite. It was just perfect. I had never had phyllo dough, and now its just.. I want more. The combination of spinach, cottage cheese, feta, onion and dill were blended just right. Also, there were 12 in the box! 12~, a whole dozen. Awesome Kroger, AWESOME.
Private Selection Desert (Used Free Coupon),Miniature Vanilla Cream puffs, 30 puffs! I'm in love with these things, I sprinkled cinnamon sugar over mine. I'm still eating them now, ahaha. Type a few, pop another.. type some more.. Mmm.
I couldn't make up my mind about desert, and appetizers so I also bought Petite Quiche Collection, You receive 9 mini quiches, ranging from classic quiche lorraine, spinach florentine quiche and mushroom quiche. I'm not a fan of pie size quiche, but I do love the mini's. The spinach was my favorite. Loved how buttery and flaky the quiche crusts were on each too. Deserts were hard to choose from too, so I bought a 2nd one, The Blueberry Peach Panna Cotta just kept calling my name, so it got thrown in the cart as well. I haven't tried that one yet, but who can go wrong with vanilla custard, and sweet fruit tarts.
Now since I've tried a variety, I would use the appetizers at my holiday parties, even birthday parties, the quiches would be great for my sisters baby shower. So would the cream puffs, and pizza. I could cater the party really cheap too, people would think i spent alot of time, and money. Theyd be great for lazy dinner days too, or movie nights.
I really did enjoy not having to cook dinner tonight. If any one wants some $2.00 off Private Select coupons just email, or txt me.
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