Showing posts with label Cookies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cookies. Show all posts

Friday, December 19

Just Almonds Review, Ginger Snap Almond Cookies.

Fun fact about almonds; An almond is not really a nut, it is a drupe. which is technically a fruit. Did you know that? I didn't! If you want to learn more about Almonds visit Just Almonds.

Just Almonds gave me a chance to do a review in exchange for product, I received Almonds & Just Almond Flour. I combined both, and made COOKIES! If you've been following my blogs, you will notice that I love to cook. I have ate Almond products before from Andersons, and Wholefoods, but I had never tried to make cookies myself. Making them yourself is by far less expensive. I baked some cookies for my moms group, I'm always trying to find better, healthier snack alternatives. The cookies were pretty simple, and easy to make. I loved the texture of the Almond Flour. Also it's nice to know that they are grown, and packaged here in the U.S.A. If you are a gluten free, natural family, I advice you to check Almond Flour out.

I felt as if I accomplished something by baking almond cookies. In my honest, opinion, I believe almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorous, iron and magnesium. It also contains zinc, selenium, copper and niacin. Almonds are good for your brain, heart, & skin. You can use almonds to regulate blood pressure, and cholesterol. You can help prevent certain cancers like colon, almonds help to improve the movement through the colon. Diabetics can eat almonds to help control the rise in sugar and insulin levels after meals. Unsweetened almond milk can help reduce weight by mono-saturated fat that is in almonds by satisfying appetite, and prevents over-eating. Also, because almonds are rich in fiber, and full of folic acids, they are ideal to eat during pregnancy to help with constipation. And, a boost of energy.

The Cookies turned out wonderful. The aroma of the spices from the oven made me want to mix up more batches. What else I loved about this recipe with the almond flour was, you didn't have to use your mixer. Just mixing by hand, and rolling the almond flour into balls was fairly simple after the wet ingredients were added. Using the beefree honey made it less sticky, and didn't stick to my hands much.

I thought it looked pretty, all the different colored spices over top the almond flour.

Below is the recipe if you'd like to try to make some yourself. Just Almond sells Almond Flour, Almond Meal, & Almonds by bulk as well.

How To Make The Cookies!

Preheat oven to 275 degrees

Blend all the dry ingredients together

Add the honey and butter to the dry ingredients, and blend well

Create small balls of dough, place about an inch apart

Flatten each cookie with a fork, flatten it one way with the fork, then the other way so it makes a cross over pattern

Sprinkle Cinnamon Sugar over each cookie

Add a whole almond to the middle of the cookie

Bake for 15 minutes

Lower the oven to 175, flip the cookies over, and bake for another 15 mins

You know me, I hope I have made you all hungry! Drooling, Vying for the taste of a ginger snap almond cookie on your tongue, & wanting to experiment using Almond Products. This was a delicious review, and yes I ate my cookies warm.

You can find Just Almonds on Facebook, or by Hope you enjoyed my review, and the fun, healthy facts about Almonds.

US Only.  Giveaway Begins 12:01 AM 7/19/2012 &  Ends 12:01AM  8/10/12,

Saturday, November 8

@skoshbox Japanese Monthly Box #HolidayGiveaway + #Review #Spon #HolidayGiftGuide

SQUEEEE How cute are these Japanese Candies/Cookies!!? Enter below to win (1) Monthly Skoshbox & (1) Premium Skoshbox!  Each box is a surprise! 

Disclaimer: received product to facilitate a review. Giveaway is Sponsored, and Mailed directly from the Sponsor. Giveaway is open to U.S. Residents Only. 1 Winner is chosen at Random Via Rafflecopter, Giveaway begins 12:00AM Est 11/14, ends 12:00AM Est 11/28. Good luck! Est Prize Product Worth $37.00. Skoshbox Monthly Products varies each month.

My family likes a variety of candies, and snacks.  I think there are too many variations of chocolate, sweet, salty, sour, goodness in the world to just settle for a single Countries version of them. This is why I was excited to find skosh box offers a taste of japan at your doorstep.

There are the regular monthly box, and then there are the premium boxes.  The Monthly box costs only $12.00, and that INCLUDES Shipping.  Even to just try something new! Each box comes with a sheet telling you what product is what, and the ingredients as well.  It may sound weird, but I even enjoyed reading it.

The Premium Box ($25.00/Free Shipping) has a lot of full size products, along with novelty candies (The Super Mario Candy were Cola Gummies that tasted just like Cola, They were also soft, and fresh.) The Chocolate sticks, and Vanilla Dipped Wafers were some of my favorites as well.  My 3 year old is autistic, and usually picky with what interests him, but he was completely into this box, and wanting to try each, and every single snack.  I didn't get any of the Panda Chocolate/White Chocolate Cookies because he ATE THEM all himself.  Some of my favorites out of this box were also the sour blue mini drops.  The box with the Teddy bear had Chocolate cookies in it, and they were almost too good to eat.. yes, almost.  We ate them.  Something about Japanese chocolate that reminds me of German Chocolate, it melts so perfectly, tastes, and texture are some of my favorite.

November Monthly Box ($12.00/Free Shipping) had candy, stickers, chocolate, and cookies.  I liked the variety of this box as well.  My mini grabbed the Caramel Corn Snacks first, and they were delicious.  I did manage to grab a few to sample.  What I also like about these Candies/Snacks, most are made of Rice, and can be ate by Gluten Free individuals, Not everything in the boxes are GF, but that's another reason I like Japanese snacks, and candy, they use Rice Flour instead of regular Wheat in most recipes! So keep that in mind too if someone is on a certain diet, and you are looking for fun candy to surprise them with.

It's easy to Join, and Sign up for skoshbox.  To find out more about skoshbox, check them out online at,

Also, month to month it's $12.00 for the Regular Monthly box, or if you do a 6 month subscription it's only $11.00/box.  Even bigger savings if you buy it for a year, it equals to $10.00/Box. Also remember this includes SHIPPING.  

Overly impression, I enjoyed the chocolate, and uniqueness of all the candy, and snacks.  Honestly, I am a bigger fan of foreign chocolate than the regular chocolate that's at the impulse section at our grocery stores here in the states.  Just try something new! I love letting my son try things from different cultures, I never want to hear him say "Ew" to something, just because it isn't what is normally seen in the store.  

Friday, October 25

Barts Chocolate Chip Cookie Giveaway! Plus, My own Barts Cookies Gluten-Free White Chocolate Chip with Macadamia Nuts, and Chocolate Chip Review.

Enter to win your own World's Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Dozen!

Disclaimer: I received product to facilitate a review, and giveaway. U.S. Only. Giveaway begins 10/25/13 12:00AM Est, Ends 11/08/13 12:00 Est Time. Winner is chosen at Random Via Raffle Copter, Prize Est Value, $17.95, Winners choice of Cookie Dozen!, and affiliates are not responsible for prize fulfilment. Prize is mailed directly from the sponsor! Winner has 48 hours to verify email once winning email has been received.

Let me first confess how I did not want to share any of these with my family after tasting Barts Cookies Gluten-Free White Chocolate Chip with Macadamia Nuts.  The cookies are Thiiiiiiick, and just these perfect round balls of moist, chocolate chip spheres. What I found refreshing about Barts Cookies is what you see is what you get.  The photos aren't photo shopped, the cookies really do taste/speak for themselves.

My hubby has been Gluten-Free for over a year.  It's a nice treat to find treats like Barts Gluten-Free Cookies that he can still have a cookie with the family.  I tricked my hubby.. I said "it's Gluten Free," he ate it.. and loved it.  I then said, "SUCKAAAH I lied, its not," and he freaked out thinking I had played a mean trick on him.  After I confessed, yes, it's GF, he didn't believe me and I had to show him the bag. Haha. Evil, vile, rotten wife. I just wanted to see if his opinion changed at all on the flavor.  He thought it was TOO good to be GF.

My son and I received Barts Cookies Milk Chocolate Chip.  They were moist, and jam packed with Chocolate chips.  I am a total snob when it comes to my sweets.  I like bakery quality treats.  I usually get Cannoli's, personal mini boston creme pies.  Hey.. If I'm going to splurge on a sugary treat, it better be worth the sugar, and the cinnamon pills I'll be taking later!  These cookies pass my sweet test. 

My 2 year old also enjoyed a couple of the cookies.  They are the perfect individual treat size too.  He called it a Cookie Ball.  These would be perfect for his Birthday in December!  

I also wanted to show you all how perfectly the bottom of the cookies are a light brown.  I can't stand my cookies being overly baked, and just hard as a rock with not moistness left, and these were right on in texture.

The best way I can think of to describe Barts Cookies are to, think of a cookie with 5 layers of cookies stacked ontop, but while still perfectly baked.  

If you'd like to find out more about Barts World Famous Chocolate Chip Cookies, goto,,

Find Barts Cookies on Facebook,

and, Barts Cookies on Twitter,

Friday, November 2

Javabites Review & 3 Winner Giveaway!

Life According To GreenVics Holiday Gift Guide

It's pretty easy to acknowledge.. I have a pretty wicked sweet tooth.  Then a company like Javabites combines espresso with cookies! Seriously? Where have you been all my life! These cookies are perfect for dunking in morning coffee.  Or, just eating alone.  Either way.. They are so delicious! 

Sunday, October 21 Review

by Life According To GreenVics

Gourmet Quality thats beyond Good enough for you, and your family! My family loved the treats. I loved them so much, I am going to send my Dad that's in a different state some for the Holidays. I know what he loves, and these would make him smile so much, he'll think I spent a fortune!

2.5 lbs of Handmade Sweets for $39.95

Imagine having a WOODEN CRATE OF COOKIES delivered to your front door? The excitement, the watering of your mouth knowing there are so many different sweets to tame your sweet tooth beast. Knowing they are speciality Gourmet Homemade cookies from Paul Evans Gifts for reasonable prices.

Already Gift Wrapped, and In A Reusable Wooden Crate

This is the tray I was sent from to review.  I was blown away at how many delicious gourmet cookies were in the wooden crate.  There were layers of goodness!

The 2.5 LB European Butter Cookie Sampler Crate comes with:
  • Minature Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Minature Almond Shortbread Cookies
  • Pistachio-Ginger Bars
  • Toasted Coconut Bars
  • Chocolate-Walnut Biscotti
  • Raspberry Linzer Heart Cookies
  • Rich Fudge Brownies
  • Minature Pecan Tartlettes

It's a bonus to receive a reusable stained wood gift crate,  mine came with a custom hand written gift card too.  It was just as sweet as the cookies.

Layers Of Sweets, and Mouth Watering Treats

Can you believe 2.5 LBS of Home made Gourmet cookies are just $39.95?  Plus shipping, but that is still so crazy cheap.  The taste is NOT cheap, the taste really is Gourmet Hand Made delicious, melts in your mouth, perfection.

I've sent my parents cookie gifts that I over paid for from other companies, that they may have got a dozen cookies from, and that's it.  I wish I would've known about before.  

These are 100% better than grocery store bought cookies.

These cookie gift baskets would be a great treat to send family members for the holidays.  Say money is tight, and you can't afford to buy a gift for each one.  Gift baskets with varities in them like has something for everyone.  Really, these are great for any occasion.  

Believe me when I say, these remind me of my Mamas cookies.  My momma can bake.  They were Delicious, fresh, and I have never had a cookie gift basket this big.

Visit Paul Evans Gifts for, or on FaceBook, Give SendThemCookies some facebook love!! You can really tell these are made with love.
Shipped anywhere!!

I was not told what to write by Paul Evans Gifts SendThemCookies.  I did receive these treats for free in exchange for my honest opinion.  I mean everything I've said about them.  I totally have a killer sweet tooth.   

Saturday, September 1

Almondina Cookies Review & Giveaway

I don't know about you, but anything made by Grandma Dina sounds great to me.  What's created are Almondina, An  All natural, No Added Fat Or Salt, No Cholesterol, and No Preservatives. It's the award winning recipe the way Grandma Dina used to make in her kitchen.

The Almond Cookies are pretty tasty.  Almondinas are thin, crispy cookies.  They are full of flavor, and great natural ingredients.  Even my Toddler loved them, and kept stealing them from off my plate. Four cookies are about a serving size, my favorites were the Sesame Almondina, and they were 138 Calories for 4.

They were almost too beautiful to eat, and please, never, ever call them the B word.. They aren't, they are so much better, and a more healthier alternative.

I received the Sesame, Original, Chocolate Cherry, Choconut, and Ginger Spice for review.  The whole family enjoyed them all.  It's just wonderful to find a product that we all can eat, that isn't horrible for you.

Little back history of Almondina, Current Owner for the past two decades, Yuval Zaliouk was a world renown musical conductor.  Zaliouk's company is based in Ohio and his Almondina cookies are sold in all 50 States and several foreign countries. If you want to know where to buy them in your state, try Almondinas Store Locator.  Where I'm at in Columbus, Ohio, They are easy to find in Andersons.

Now, how exciting is it that one lucky follower will win the same items in the sampler pack I received??
U.S. Only! Giveaway begins 9/1/2012 AM EST, Ends 9/15/2012 AM EST.  Winner is chosen at random via Raffle Copter, If you can't use rafflecopter just leave me a comment saying so, and if you are a fan, I can add  you in for 50 Entries.  I believe every one should be able to enter. Use a valid Email Address, Winner has 7 days after being notified to reply back, or prize if forfeited and new winner will be announced.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclaimer: I received these items for free,  Sponsorship of Giveaway did not sway my opinion, nor was I told what to write.  Everything is 100% my own thoughts.

Almondina on Facebook, Twitter, or Website.

Wednesday, November 23

bzzagent greenvics for Krogers Truly Awesome Cookies.

BzzAgent greenvics reporting ;) , Recently I received two boxes of cookies through a bzzcampaign, and some coupons for friends. I loved these cookies. I actually had just bought some name brand cookies that were chocolate w/chocolate chips with a thin layer of fudge in the middle, and I liked the Krogers truly Awesome chocolate chip cookies better.

The box states that chocolate chip cookies are the #1 ingrediant, and I agree! They had quite a bit of chips through out, and there were on the thick side. I did dip mine in milk later after the baby and I enjoyed the first couple. They were soft enough, and melted in your mouth so that they were extremely easy to consume.

I did notice it says they are 120 calories a serving, and one cookie is a serving, but the cookie is pretty thick/full of chips so I am not dissapointed by serving size. I really don't care about the calorie intake when it comes to me splurging on a cookie.

I didn't taste the "real butter", not sure if its because it just tasted like chocolate chip cookies to me, but I really don't think that, and the serving size needs to be printed on front of the box, If people are curious they will read the back. Also, it might make people not want the cookies if they are scared off by the number before even trying them.

Did I mention I love cookies?

please don't tell me how many calories each cookies iz til after I eat a few and turn over to the back. ;(