Through BzzAgent.com, I was giving the opportunity to try Filippo Berio Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I cook with Olive Oil, and Safflower Oil as is, but I had never tried Filippo Berio Extra Virgin Before receiving a bottle free in the mail. I was also giving $1.00 off coupons to pass out to family, and friends of my Moms Group.

I decided to cut up some mushrooms, & red onions for the dinner I was preparing, I sprinkled just a little bit of the oil on the vegetables themselves, and a dab into the frying pan. I liked the oil because it wasn't too thick, and overpowering on the veggie, which meant I could still taste the earthiness of the shrooms, and onions.
I was very pleased with how the meal turned out. Juicy, not burnt, not over powered by the oil.
You can checkout BzzAgent.com here, and more about Fillipo Berio here.
What made The Filippo Berio experisnce a good one: Thee extra virgin oil was not over powering, and just a dab, as in not even half a teaspoon was enough to saute the vegetables, and still be able to taste them, and not the oil.
Prep Time & Clean Up: Cutting, and preparing the onions and mushrooms were easy, I just sprinkled the seasoning on I wanted to use, and then pan sauteed til the texture I like my vegetables, I like them still a little crunchy. Cleaning the pan out was easy, nothing was stuck to it.