Bonus. School Of Wash can be for Her, Him, Kids, and Pets.
There are literaly hundreds of different hand made scent variations to pick from School Of Wash. I am a sucker for leave in conditioners, and I find myself using SOW, and backburnered the others. I already want to try SOW's Cherry Almond, and then the Eucalyptus & Spearmint. Honestly, One of every smell I would probably squeal over, and baby my hair even more (I still haven't cut it yet this year to donate to locks of love!! I am going to soon. This will be my 5th time donating since Fracturing my leg. I figured since I have cadavers, and an ORIF in my leg, the most I can do is donate my hair to someone that needs it, someone donated their bones so I can still walk. I'll keep donating my hair til that day comes I can give more too.)
I honestly spritz my face, and hair before leaving the house into this heat.
School Of Wash has earned a Label on my blog, as Holiday Gift Guide Worthy. Well for any time of the year too, but if anyone wants to know what to get me, or to donate one to someone in need?? THIS! This would be great! For more info on how to donate to A Little Sunshine In A Bottle, to help The organization, Lily Pad, whom provides a 24-hour crisis line, forensic interviews, forensic exams and evidence collection, medical accompaniment, legal advocacy and support groups for victims and their families. , you can read it here on School Of Wash's page. Everything behind this company is admireable. It's unreal that this was created by love, and wanting to share at camp, to now this.
I received product to facilitate a review. The Product does say external use only, and keep out of reach of children, which is normal. That just means don't let the kiddo drink it, or rub it in membranes that shouldn't have anything irritable in, 'nuff said.
Don't forget to check out School Of Wash at, Facebook, and Twitter. Think you've tried a lot of differen't hair, and body spritz, browse through their drop down menus for scents, and I bet there's atleast 100 varations you haven't tried yet.