Thursday, June 21
Have you ever wondered why so many people freelance for work nowadays?
Have you ever wondered why so many people freelance for work nowadays? I can tell you why I like the freedom to take different campaigns from companies that they need specific photos, and feedback from reviews for - it is because I find it convenient to work from home. There are days that I don't even turn on a computer while doing most of the work that I need on my smartphone watching my son.
Many still do not believe that these kinds of working from home jobs are out there. According to Forbes 50% of employees will work from home as Freelancers by 2020. The need for positions in specific niches that individuals are good at and to get the job done is on the rise. The good thing about being a freelance Consultant is you do basically everything on your own time and when it's convenient to you. Sure you get a deadline that you have to meet and it's a situation where you have to problem solve, but it's both mentally & financially rewarding.
Ever wonder how to start a profitable consulting business? You just need to think about and learn what type of business you want to have knowledge of. It can even be as simple as helping solve a problem that they may not have had any in business suggestions for, or even as a freelance Consultant you could use your resources built up to make this job run smoothly, and fix any problem. Networking amongst other Freelancers and Companies are very important, and why it makes a Freelancer an important position. Before companies would have to train employees for this, which costs extra money, and more time. Now a company can just hire a Freelancer Consultant to come in.
Any one can hire a Freelance Consultant. Maybe you need help with letting go of things you collected over the years? Maybe you need someone else's point of view to make suggestions about your work that you've hit a mental block on. There are Consultants in every industry that are the best at their jobs, since that's all they choose to make a niche in.
Consulting a business is an easy way to get freelance work in. Unlike typical pyramid schemes you don't need to invest any money to get your business started in freelance Consulting. These type of freelance jobs do not need you to buy thousands of dollars in leggings, oils or candles that money has to be upfront. The most important things that you need to know about being a freelancer is the knowledge of the business that you are trying to be a consultant in. With technology and almost all knowledge at your fingertips nowadays online you can learn anything. There are even websites that break it down into 4 easy steps to become a business consultant. My favorite step is to rewire your brain and to believe that your time is worth being paid for mentality.
I enjoy working for all kinds of people and companies online. It is always evolving, always something to learn, always jobs available for a Freelancer unlike part time in person minimum wage positions that you aren't learning anything of importance in and that the companies do not value your work. As a freelancer, a company wants to know your suggestions, and pays fairly for your work.
Monday, June 18
Don't let anyone tell you video games are just for kids.
It is easy these days to be able to get online and search for different blogs that can help explain how to be successful in an array of different ways. I remember when I was younger that the internet just really started that maybe you would have been only able to find a few sites that were willing to give you a specific outline for the successful in a career for online either code or online Commerce. Everyone back then wanted to be paid to teach you how to even get to the point of going to school for something like this
What I really enjoy about online and Technology nowadays is everyone is willing and excited to openly share how they became successful. It's very relatable to a person when they break down in an outline how they managed to juggle everything from just regular life School and pursuing their dream of making it in the industry that they wanted to learn.
We live in an age that it's is 100% acceptable to be a dreamer. Not only is it okay to be a dreamer but we live in an age that we make our dreams come true. Anything is possible these days you just take the time to research and learn what it is you have to accomplish to get to a certain point. I can't imagine a life without the internet. There are still certain Generations that don't understand the internet is not a bad place. Online is what you make it. If you want to make online be this huge open domain public Library of information that is mostly free information on how to make something become a reality.
There is a misconception that only certain types of people can make it in a business atmosphere. In this day in age it is the dreamers that make it happen. Without the dreamers that wanted to make parts of our life easier whether it be by developing apps, websites, and video games life would still be people going to pay bills in person or send the checks via United States Postal Service. Every app is miraculously coded for the program itself line by line, along with security measures embedded into these programs. I know that there are still people who don't trust online websites or transactions. I am the opposite of that I trust secure sites more than I trust physically sending my information on a piece of paper where numerous hands touch it and it could be delivered to the wrong place opens and everything is there for someone to take. I like that online things leave a trail that I can see what transaction number it is where things are being delivered to instantly. Really if it weren't for the persistent dreamers that's made it a reality none of the currents comforts that we rely on nowadays would be possible if it weren't for these people like Adrian Rubin, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg.
It is okay to play those video games, it is okay to dream of creating those games yourself in the future. If playing those video games helps develop imagination, and the once to create something even better than the last, always strive for that dream to make it into a reality. You can do it! Don't let someone tell you there is no career or money in apps or video games or online businesses. When we live in a world and are at a place in time that if it were not for these people that wanted to make it's easier to find information online we would still be like it's back in time, wasting gas, time, and money doing basic errands we now can do online within minutes making more time be available for learning things, like what apps every social media manager should be utilizing online to make things run more smoothly. I generally like reading other success stories and what works for them and how it could work for me. Many like self-help books, I like reading about people like myself that grew up playing video games, and online that made it into a career and invent d things!
Saturday, June 9
No more choosing between enjoying great weather or watching the game with SunBriteTV & Best Buy
Creating an outdoor home theater is the most affordable room addition you can make, and the best seat in the house is in your backyard!
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.
Thursday, May 31
Looking for the perfect Father Day Gift that can be forever?
Personalized Photo Jewelry creates the finest Photo Pendants and Charms, Gold Lockets, Silver Lockets and other Personalized Photo Jewelry in the industry. We create lasting photo lockets and photo jewelry keepsakes using only the finest 14k gold, white gold and Sterling Silver. You send us your photos and using our patented technology we laser engrave your pictures in color right on our gold lockets, silver lockets, locket charms and most of our custom jewelry. The results are gorgeous gold lockets or silver photo lockets that open to reveal your photos and can be worn as a beautiful photo or picture locket.
Monday, May 28
What is Customer Success?
What is customer success? We see so many websites online that mention things about Business Metrics in statistics but we never see anything about customer service. Online customer success is a lot like regular customer service. Regular customer service it is all about the customer, just like online customer success is all about the customer as well the only difference is that you want to bring back your online customers.
Did you know that there's actual metrics involved with online customer success? The strategy involved are basically six steps. Some of the most important strategies to consider when thinking about your business developmenting a business model along with a customer base, stage of growth, budget in size. There just is not one specific way to make customer success work for your business.
In the six-step customer success objective. The goal is to create a strategy. The very first objective you want your business to do is define a customer success objective to use throughout. Earlier we went over thinking about your business model, what kind of customer base you are going for your stage of growth as a business what new customers you have along with repeat customers. Did you know statisticly a repeat customer will spend 67% more than a new customer? It's important to make everyone happy, and keep subscriptions, sales, news letters, and surveys readily available to customers that want their opinions heard. Good, and bad feedback is always welcomed. It gives a chance to change things in the Objective by adding or taking away something that may not be working.
Establish Customer Success Metric. The goal is to find what works best for your base, and what you are trying to go for as a whole. Customers like knowing about the Companies Culture and Mission. In today's world it's easy to Google a site and find information about it, do that yourself so the Customer stays on your page and are more familiar with what they are subscribing to.
Ensure Alignment and Accountability. I think the key to alignment and accountability is to treat online customer success a lot like online customer service the whole goal is to have your staff ready to fix any problem that may make a customer happy. Without the customers there will be no customer base to subscribe to or to buy what is being sold. Make sure everyone is on board that the main goal is to make the customer have an enjoyable experience so that they become a repeat visitor.
Develop your blueprint. I am still learning as well everything that we just went over is a blueprint. It's just not going to be one easy quick fix for Customer Success.
Segment wisely. This blueprint doesn't work you just go back in and you go again and you ask yourself - Were do you want to be in 6 months from now, a year from now, 2 years from now and if the numbers are where you'd like them to be in growth for a month just keep that up and see if your blue prints working for your company. If it isn't, that's ok. Just tweak it, and keep trying.
Murphy classifies best-fit users into three categories which he refers to as vectors: A positive, nuetral, and negative.
A negative vector means users had a bad onboarding experience or lacked product training. They are going to cancel their subscription, and the objective should be change your blue print to bring them back by 3 months.
Users on a neutral vector are happy with how things are but do not actively intend to use more of the services offered. The objective is to convince them to try new services and set them on a positive vector within the next six months.
Customers on a positive vector are ready for upgrades and cross-sells and are happy to refer their friends. Especially if an incentive program is offered. 84% of B2B buyers start the purchasing process with a referral.
I just find all of this interesting since not many sites go over Customer Success strategy. It's not just about page hits, but about keeping customers happy.
Global Economics? Would you go to College for it? I'm thinking about it.
My goal this year is to learn more, write better content, and find websites that help achieve this. I would like to go to college for what I am self taught in. Online economics is fascinating. I am just finding out about The World Economic Forum in my quest to learn more on economics, and buisness. The World Economic Forums main reason for existing is their commitment to improving the state of The World. The World Economics Forum is an International Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages political, business and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industries that are both important public, as well as private agendas. Established in 1971, the World Economics Forum was a non-profit foundation in Geneva, Switzerland.
I found it very interesting that the Global Forum is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests. It's how economics should be in my opinion, an unbiased median that is there to help with a healthy debate on efforts. One of these efforts are to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the world for highest standards of governance. Along with morals, it seems now a days morals are thrown out the door for greed. Add intelligence integrity and that is what World Economics Forum offers everyone.
World Economic Forums activities are shaped by a uniquely nuetral theory, which believes that an organization is accountable to all parts of society. This theory would benefit everyone in society. We would be looking out for not just the well being of a certain group of individuals, but the entire World. The institution carefully blends and balances the best of many kinds of organizations, from both the public and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions. In my mind, it's like a United Nations for economics.
Their motto is believing that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.
In my search to learn more I stumbled across Andrew Charlton. Andrew is an economist, a director of the economic consultancy AlphaBeta and a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. Andrew Charlton has published several essays and books outlining his predictive analyses and economic philosophies understanding World Economics. His beliefs in books like Fair Trade for All, and Man-Made World: Choosing Between Progress and Planets are like my own. Definitely check him out, he has easily became one of my role models, and why I want to learn more on Global Economics. Ideally if more believed this way, the World would be better off. A lot of negative situations steam from wanting more of something like Money, and Power and if everything had a solid main goal, a lot of these power hungry corrupted institutions wouldn't strive as fast, and as big as they do if institutions like World Economics Forum were offered to analyze and predict the outcomes.
I'd like to imagine a world that everyone's agenda was for a better, cleaner, more stable financial world for everyone and not just the top 1%.
Monday, May 21
One Platform to rule them all - Multi-Domain Master Domain Management.
Technology is always advancing online. I remember back in 1995 when I first used dial up to get online with a modem that sounded like my screaming inner child not many did webpage design, or code. The first site I managed was a personal page that every .HTML document had to be uploaded by File Transfer Protocol and you had to do the codes for everything right on the page or the files uploaded had to be done by FTP. I was in highschool when QBasic was offered as an elective.
Fast forward to 20 years later and now companies have numerous webpages to create, take care of, and track their analytics for Business Marketing. I can see why it would be overwhelming if every server had to be logged in, and different user logins created, and passwords remembered from every host local computer network onsite. It sounds like a technician nightmare if it's a larger company and the employees all need to log in that way. It would also cost a company more money if each department needed that.
It's a good thing Technology has advanced to where we now can network on to other services on the Cloud, and not need one remote server to rule them all. Also makes it more convenient to keep users records, and data domain information in one location while still being accessible. It has opened up an easy world of being able to network between the companies, the employees, their clients. Master Data Management Vendors are some of the fastest growing Markets with keeping up with Data.
Multi-Domain Master Data Management is the future for Buisness Analysis when maintaining multiple domains, accounts for Customer, Product, Finances, Employees, Vendors, Suppliers, Assets, Location, Reference Data, and Everything else this page can do while using one platform. It really is the future of maintaining more than one website at a time. It can be very overwhelming with the management of one site.
Businesses like Globial Enterprises have hundreds of separate applications and systems. Enterprise Resource Planning is a large-scale software program designed for modern businesses, both large and small. A simple definition is that Enterprise Resource Systems help aid the flow of internal business processes and allow for communication between a business's departments and its internal functions and data. And, Customer Relationship Management. A Customer Relations Management allows businesses to manage business relationships and the data and information associated with them. It's data that crosses organizational departments or divisions can easily become fragmented, duplicated, most commonly out of date. This should not happen with today's technological advances!
It is very important for a Buisness to not allow it's data and technology to go stagnant. Especially in a time that there are platforms like Multi-Domain Master Data Management. It allows a company to manage all of it's data anywhere, at anytime, and can share their own data instantly.
It's always an amazement seeing the advancements websites, business marketing, analystics data has evolved into I think that's what makes this age of technology something to look forward to, and constantly learn.
Pioneering Women Companies in Social Media.
Some may think public relations is just for in store, in person interactions but in an age of technology, and social media the best way to get your company seen is by networking online.
With many people not paying for traditional TV like satellite, cable, and I believe regular free TV was killed when people were forced to go digital every ad is now placed online between streaming videos, and on Social Media Sites. If your buisness only has a couple hundred followers on all your social networks you should into reaching out to PR firms who work with bloggers like me
Sometimes the best way for getting sites seen is by what is called Word of Mouth marketing. That's why you see a lot of "Share this, Like This, Win this.." kind of marketing. Not many realize there is a marketing team behind these sort of campaigns online that require a different type of creativity.
The key to a successful Social Share campaign to me is create content that flows, work with companies that value their products, and images, as much as you take pride in your work. It's easy to write when it's relateable. Personally it's why I've always been a lifestyle blogger since 2010.
The thing that I think outsourcing to a separate PR firm is ideal for companies that are not taking advantage of social media is they will take the work load off of the clients company with advertising, and a lot of social marketers with create their own content depending on what the company wants the PR to promote.
The key to being a good PR firm is to have an array of online net working between social influencers and the clients. It's like a community whose common goal is to help build the brand up everyone is working for wether it's the PR firm or the Freelancer that's participating in the Campaigns.
Things firms can do, Manage Social Media Networks, Freelance Work out for Campaigns, Host Twitter Parties, Hire Local Influencers for In-Store Events, Trade Show Decorators, Create Recipes, Images, and anything the Company wants to be promoted like certain hashtags to try to trend, Pinterest posts to Pin, and Instagram videos to watch.
Social Media Bloggers like myself are always up for the challenge of writing posts. Watching shows like MadMen shows an era that advertising was a male predominantly industry, and my blogs banner is a play on that era. I have worked for many companies I am proud of being an influencer for, and have a lot of respect for pioneering women in this industry like Nancy at Behrman, BlogHer, Diamond Links, Activate, Massive Sway - The Sits Girls, IConnect, and BestBuy WolfBlogger Blogging Network are mainly females creating these social connections between companies, and followers. I inspire to work more for PR firms, it allows me to freelance while at home taking care of a special needs son, and being able to do what I enjoy. My dream is to one day have the chance to be more than just a freelancer and work for someone like Nancy and Behrman that has been in this business for over 30 years. It's differently a positive goal to look forward to, and want to achieve.
Monday, May 14
Refilling my prescriptions at a Pharmacy that makes it easy.

A lot of people filling prescriptions are not utilizing these discounts. The benefits of apps like these are it can be used for both iOs, Android, and Apple. If you have neither, you can still use the search options online or even call to compare prices, and know an estimate of what everything will cost, including services like Dental. I didn't even know Dentists offered discounts using cards like these. I'm always making a million excuses why I can't afford the Dentist, now I have no excuse why I can't shop around for reasonable prices.
If you already use CVS or places like Walmart there are other incentives available. Like $5 off using the discount card the very first time. Using the card is as simple as any other loyalty card, you give the Pharmacy Technician the card, they enter the BIN and PCN number found on your card, and will tell you the new price. These type of cards are not an insurance card, but more so a discount card to use with your insurance. Also, if you are using CVS pharmacy make sure your prescriptions are linked to your CVS Rx Rewards. You will get extra care bucks back free at CVS after so many refills. I mean if your already getting medicine filled you might as well be part of every loyalty program stores offer.
Personally, I like to shop around and find great deals on everything that is a must to buy in my household, that includes medicine. Finding a location that can make my medicine cheaper is exactly what I needed. Being a family on one income, and a parent to a special needs child it can feel overwhelming juggling everything, especially money. I believe in living on a budget, and utilizing loyalty card incentives at stores, while also using coupons. It's a great service to have, and use. Instead of wasting hours calling around, and being on hold - the app can search locations around you to find out what is the cheapest location to use your Discount Card at. Never be ashamed at wanting to save money for your families needs.
In need of an Aggressive Attorney.
Do you have an issue in your Life that you need an Aggressive Lawyer that's on your side? Needing an Aggressive Lawyer happens, especially at times in our lives that we are already stressed out. No one needs extra unwanted stress and money concerns when someone or someplace hurts you. I say someplace as well because a lot of rentals I've been in lately have been dangerous. A lot of tenants do not know they have rights and Landlords purposely prolong or just don't fix anything that could be a health concern and things like mold in a rental can hurt you slowly for years to come even after you've moved out. If this is the case, and you have concerns about how habitable your place of residence is - you need a Lawyer. Getting a personal injury lawyer tampa should be easy, and less stress for the victim. A good law firm will help with free case reviews before taking on your case, while explaining to you the next steps, and will work around your schedule. They will also not get paid unless you win. Knowing these factors about the Lawyer doing everything they can to win your case makes it feel like a burden is lifted from your shoulders and you've picked the right legal counsel that has your current, and future concerns well being in your favor. Their strategy is simple – to get you the compensation you deserve while focusing on your goals, needs, and concerns.
Whether you need a Tampa Car Accident Attorney, that covers Auto Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Tractor Trailer Accidents, Any accident involving a motor vehicle. Or, Premises Liability - Construction Accidents, Slip and Fall Accidents, Dog Bites (According to the CDC 1 in 5 biten by a dog will have some type of infection form,) Swimming Pool Accidents, Electrocutions, Negligent Landlords or Property Managers. No case is too small, or too severe for a good personal injury lawyer. The more severe - Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Burns, Soft Tissue Injuries, Paralysis, Wrongful Death, Any Case Involving Permanent, Debilitating Injury it is better for you, and less to worry about if you find a Lawyer that will come to you, work around your schedule, offer free case reviews, be available anytime, be aggressive in the presence of a Judge so you don't have to be, and will not get paid unless you win the case, and cares that you get the biggest settlement available to maximize it and help your way of life in the future after an injury. Remember that there are Personal Injury Lawyers that want to help you. You are not alone with any of the legal documents, and court dates. If you think you need a Lawyer, more than likely you do, stop thinking, reach out to one, and see what can be done to help you.
Tuesday, May 8
Understanding Embedded Analytics vs. Business Intelligence.

Embedded analytics reports automatically for marketing to your dashboard in one application without leaving your platform. It does everything needed for business intelligence in one location which makes it a better marketing tool to add to any site.
I use analytics to know what region my viewers are in, and even the age range of who visits my website. When I run certain Giveaways for my Holiday Gift Guides it helps me find who to offer the prizes to, and how many page views that post received for views, while either being reoccurring views or unique page views. It also helps to see how many are mobile or using a different iOS so I know what universal HTML I can use that makes it easy for everyone to enter the Giveaways. Making my site easier to view and navigate for my viewers.
Knowing your website's analytics are important, it helps build the business intelligence up with what works for the site. Embedding analytics is the future, and every website Admin should know what is offered for business tools and have access to one location for these tools.
If you need more help understanding the differences in Business Intelligence, and Embedded analytics there are sites like Understanding Embedded Analytics, Google Analytics Solutions for Marketing Analytics, and Measurements, and the Harvard Business Review for Analytics 3.0. All are very informative websites that can help teach you the importance of Search Engine Optimization. Digital is now most companies online, and offline main marketing channel with the majority of investment going on SEO. Embedding Analytics will help track your information from visitors directly on to your dashboard to see what works and doesn't work for the site in whatever direction you are aiming for as a Website.
Sunday, May 6
Almond Honey, Peppermint, and Coco Loco Limeade Natural Soap Review.
I was sent the Almond Honey 32 oz Liquid Castile Soap, Peppermint 16 oz Liquid Castile Soap, and Coco Loco Limeade 5 oz Loofah Exfoliating Castile Soap Bar for Review. It's a lot of soap! The formula is very thick, and lathers amazingly. I really enjoy the fresh natural smells of each one, and the soap leaves zero residues.
The bottles are made of recyclable containers, and free of harsh chemicals that pollute groundwater. Castile Soap can also be used for household cleaners, laundry soap, and dish soap. Since the soap is very thick, and double cleaning power of other soaps, it only needs a few drops and lasts a very long time. Castile liquid soap is an all-vegetable oil based soap. It is named for Castile, Spain, where it is known for its olive oil. Previously, Castile bar soap was made with olive oil and animal fat. Now, liquid and solid forms of castile soap are made with vegetable oils including palm, coconut, olive, and hemp. This is a sponsored Review post through USFAMILYGUIDE.
Life Happens, Don't be ashamed needing Legal Representation.
Life happens, whether we need Reality, Personal Injury, or a Family Law Lawyer, it makes sense to me to ask these kinds of questions to the Professionals that went to College for this. They file the paperwork for us. Hunter Law, P.A. firms commitment to excellence believes in integrity, stability, efficiency, and reliability. The Law firm will be there to help you navigate whatever stressful event in life you many think is overwhelming at the time, but have trust that they want to take on your case, and help you. Whatever it may be, is not the end of the World, and let the Professionals help find ways to mediate, and explain things better. They can even help you in matters of Marriage, Prenups, divorce, alimony, child support, basically all issues and/or modifications to Family agreements past, and present. Even relocations, and Understanding Military Divorces.
Never feel ashamed to reach out ask for any type of legal help. Lawyers are there to help their Clients. We all need it at certain points in whatever path in Life we are in. Unfortunately, that includes Personal Injury cases, Auto Accidents, Truck Accidents, Low Back Pain, Slip and Fall, Medical Malpractice, Motorcycle Accident, Uber Accident, Traumatic Brain Injuries, and Dog Bites.
Thursday, April 26
How easy is Hello Fresh? Try it for $40 off, Code: ANGEL119 making it $3.32 a meal and Free shipping for 2 People.
It was as simple as taking the already packaged up ingredients that came in a big Brown papered bag out the Delivery box that it came in (With huge blocks of Frozen Ice.) and placed the bags in the Fridge until I made the meals.
The Bags also can be used to throw away trash in when preparing the meals.
Use my code: ANGEL119 for $40 off your first order. That makes the Classic Plan of 2 people for 3 meals about $3.32 A MEAL, you can also Skip next weeks meals in advance if there is nothing you would eat on the menu that week, and just see what you would like. I favorited the Tomatoey Tortellini. I would eat that again!
Or use my link here for $40 off HelloFresh, Free Shipping for the Classic Plan, or Family Plan. I will receive $20 off my meal as well. I am very Hungry!
The NEW Premium Finish Options at Best Buy for GE Appliances are here!
The new GE Appliances are bringing it with the bold & sophisticated appearance of the high-gloss finish the Black Stainless Steel creates. It combines a glossy, bold black hue and the contemporary brushed metal appearance of stainless steel. Not only is it unique, but it's also very easy to clean, and they've made it fingerprint resistant. Making it not just beautiful on the eyes, but also easy to maintain. I love that you won't have to worry about fingerprint smudges like some Stainless Steel appliances are prone to. This is just a nice contrast if you want that black and white kitchen, but still with stainless steel appliances.
If Black Stainless Steel isn't your favorite, check out the other choices available in the Premium Finish Options at Best Buy for GE Appliances here,
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored Post, check out @GE_Appliances @BestBuy on Twitter, and @geappliances on Facebook.
It's No Secret Kids love Gross Toys, Check out Zits Pop N Play Pimples Toy, I Got Zits, Ewww. Plus Giveaway!
(Don't forget to scroll below or click here to Enter The Giveaway!)
It really is no secret that Children find Gross things Funny. For example, The Pop N Play Pimples Toy reminds me of a Special Effects Make-Up. It's just easier to use, and Pop without having to have anything like glue, wax, or latex. I do have plans on using these for Dress up, and for Halloween costumes as well for Witches, Trolls, and Hobgoblins. Really just let the kids use their imagination.
A post shared by Angel (@greenvics) on
My Neice had no problem peeling each Zit she picked out from the packaging and using its self-adhesive backing to stick on to the skin. Popping them made me laugh, they squirted with force! I wasn't expecting that kind of distance on the zits. Also, there are various sizes of Zits to choose from. From those Big, reminds me of my teenage years Zits that there was no hiding that bad boy, to the cutest little white head zit. The substance inside the Zit feels just like white slime. It's safe and non-toxic.
They really had us cracking up. Mostly it was her reaction to the zits, and how much Fun she was having placing them on herself, and even at one point she started placing them on my hands. I felt like a Gross Toad, which, I mean, I dig, since I enjoy the whole FX Make up the novelty of items like these as well. To me, these kind of Toys are great for Imaginative play and helps create characters, and just overall fun to do. I know having a Real zit is not this cool, but the good things about these, they easily peel back off, and clean up was a breeze.
These can be found at Walmart, and on Amazon. Usually, a pack of 25 retails for about $4.99.
Disclaimer: This is a Sponsored Posts, Giveaway is fulfilled by Pop N Play Zits. Good luck! Giveaway Ends on May 1.
Monday, December 25
Light Box Art Quotes & Art Displays Review
My Light Box Art is very calming. I like that its easy to change by having different inserts for it.
This is a Sponsored Post,
Last Minute Personalized Photo Gift Ideas!
Check out Canvas Champ for up to 91% off Canvas Prints on their Winter Sale! (Just Pay S/H Fee) custom made Photo Canvases for your Holiday Needs.
It's as easy as using their online app to choose which photo, size, color, and frame. It's also easy to just Gift a Gift Certificate - Just so whatever Holiday Images can be used for a Canvas too.
This is a sponsored Post. https://www.canvaschamp.comkids
It's as easy as using their online app to choose which photo, size, color, and frame. It's also easy to just Gift a Gift Certificate - Just so whatever Holiday Images can be used for a Canvas too.
This is a sponsored Post. https://www.canvaschamp.comkids
Thursday, November 9
Watch Ya' Mouth Throwdown Edition Game!
Watch Ya' Mouth Throwdown Edition is the evolution of the original, wildly popular, hilarious Watch Ya' Mouth game. Rather than just speak phrases, players now go head-to-head with hilarious and challenging tasks - while wearing mouthpieces. Throwdown Edition takes competition - and laughter - to the next level and builds on the multigenerational gaming phenomena.
Throwdown Edition has already been Awarded Top Holiday Toy of 2017 by Toy Insider & selected for the 2017 Amazon Holiday Toy List.
Want a hilarious family game to play during the Holidays? Your search is over. 15% off Coupon Code: 15THROWDOWN
Disclaimer: This is a Sponsored Ad.
Monday, November 6
Brick Loot LEGO Subscription Box Code!
Brick Loot is a box subscription company for LEGO and Brick fanatics! Subscribers will receive a monthly box filled with unique, custom and never-before-seen items including Custom LEGO Kits, LEGO Minifigures and more.
Brick Loot boxes are filled with 4-8 items that were hand picked by Brick specialists who scour the world for the newest and coolest products for you to collect.
Invented by a 9 yr old, this box is fun for ages 6 - 99!
My readers get to save! Save 12% of Brickloot using code "usfamily12"
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored Post.
Invented by a 9 yr old, this box is fun for ages 6 - 99!
My readers get to save! Save 12% of Brickloot using code "usfamily12"
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored Post.
Friday, November 3
Keeping Pets Safe During the Holidays + Special Giveaway!
Just like our own routines, we need to keep our pets on a healthy balance, that includes their food and treats. Use Code: PS115ZW997 at to Receive $5 off a Bag of some of the best Premium Pet Food there is, it's grain free, gluten free, and made with ingredients everyone should have in their diets!
Few Ways To Keep Your Pet Safe During the Upcoming Holidays.
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, Of All The Trees Most Lovelyyyy.. (You're welcome for that Song stuck in your head now.) Make sure to have the Tree Anchored. The water changed in case your furbaby tries to drink it. Bacteria or Chemicals from the Farm that Grew the Tree could be on, and that can hurt your little four-legged lovers. Along with Decorations like tinsel, and plugged in lights.
Decorative Holiday Plants, that are also toxic to our Pets. Holly, Poinsettias, Lilies and Mistle Toe are some of the few that I try to avoid due to having Children, and Pets.
Candles. I love candles. They relax me, but they can be very dangerous to our curious pets.
Pet Safe Room. At my house we let the Pet's help up open the Gifts, but when friends and other family members come over that aren't always around we put the Dogs, and Cat in one of the bedrooms so they can relax, and not stress themselves out over all these people coming, and in out the house.
Reward Our Animals on the Holidays. It's just natural to want to feed our pets things we are eating during the Holidays but don't. It's better to get them something just for them.
LOVE. Love them always, after all, they are family and deserve the Best.
One lucky follower gets to win one of my dog's Favorite Foods, To this day, Petcurean remains fiercely independent and lives by the rule of quality first, pets first, without compromise. Petcurean Enter via Rafflecopter Below.
This post was made possible by iConnect and Petcurean. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Win a 6lb bag dog kibble OR one 4lb bag cat kibble from Petcurean, winner’s choice! Giveaway begins Nov 1, Ends Nov 8. The prize is mailed directly from the Sponsor and can take up to 2-4Weeks for Fulfillment, maybe sooner. The winner is chosen at random via Rafflecopter. is not responsible for Prize fulfillment.
Saturday, October 14
A Mystery Monthly Subscription box for the Fisherman in your Family! Plus $10 Off your First Month!
Disclaimer: This is a Sponsored Post.
Wine for the Holidays & $22 Off Your First Month!
With the Holidays approaching and wanting to try a new wine, check out Winc, you'll receive $22 Off Your First Month of Winc. Winc offers 4 personalized wines each month. Wine starts at $13 each
I liked how the website asked me what Flavors I liked, and how I liked my coffee. It chooses 4 different wines for me to try, which is exactly what I like to do. I love at the grocery store when it's a Fill your own Box promotion for trying different flavors of Spirits & Beers.
They nailed it with the Sauvignon, that is my favorite type of White Wine. Funk Zone sounds playful. I can't wait to try mine out.
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored Post.
Wednesday, October 11
Hurry! Get a Free 8x10 Print At Walgreens with In Store Pick-Up! Exp. Oct. 14.
Now - Oct 12 - through October 14th, you can order a FREE 8×10 Photo Print ($3.99 value!) + FREE Store Pickup at Walgreens! Simply login or sign up (not valid on mobile app)
Upload your photos then add it to your cart
Enter code FREEPRNT at checkout
Select free in-store pickup for any future date (You search for the Closest Walgreens to you.)
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Upload your photos then add it to your cart
Enter code FREEPRNT at checkout
Select free in-store pickup for any future date (You search for the Closest Walgreens to you.)
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I did one of Sy's Halloween Costume from Last Year!
Sesame Street Halloween Forest of Fun: The Counts Spooktacular At Busch Gardens 2017
Sy rode his first ever roller coaster this year. It was Elmos Alpine Express.
We arrived at the park early, as soon as it opened, and hit a few Trick-Or-Treat Stations. Sy was a Wizard! He matched Elmo. We then made our way to Sesame Streets Forest of Fun, rode the Whirly Worm, Elmos Alpine Express Roller Coaster, Met Elmo at the Picture Station.
A post shared by Angel (@greenvics) on
Sy won a Candy Corn Stuffed Animal at the Pick-A-Lolly Pop Tent (Check out more photos, and videos of the Live Show by following me on my Instagram Account @Greenvics.)
Check it out, and for more information on Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Virginia go here,
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