Je suis le fromage err, no that's not right. I think Whistle fritz Cha, Cha, Cha French Learning Songs for Children are a great way to get my son into enjoying more than the norm. I also love the music on the CD, not just the lyrics, but the guitars melody, and singing are fun, and easy to groove to. The more I play the songs, the more he notices them. If he didn't like it.. I would know.. he's 2 after all, LOL. 2 year olds have no problem expressing their likes, and dislikes at any giving moment that's for sure.
In the CD Booklet each songs lyrics also has the translation next to it. You learn Numbers, Days, Months, Vowels, Body Parts and fun words by just listening to the songs.
Song List, You can also go to WhistleFritz to hear Song Clips,
BINGO TOUS LES MOIS (All the Months)
PROMENONS NOUS DANS LE BOIS (Let's Walk Through the Woods)
LES ÉLÉPHANTS (The Elephants)
LES NOMBRES (The Numbers)
SUR LE PONT D'AVIGNON (On the Bridge of Avignon)
SAVEZ-VOUS PLANTER LES CHOUX (Do You Know How to Plant Cabbage)
LES SAISONS (The Seasons)listen
LES JOURS DE LA SEMAINE (The Days of the Week)
TOMBE LA PLUIE (It's Raining)
CACHE-CACHE (Hide and Seek)
Read the names to the songs outloud.. and look, you are already speaking french.
Parle vous francais? Oui!
Would I recommend this learning french CD for children to friends, and family? Yes, If you're anything like me, and my family, we get tired of hearing the same things, over, and over again. Also, at least this is educational!
Product Description
Parlez-vous cha, cha, cha? From samba and merengue to rumba and reggae, irresistible world music rhythms add an exciting twist to learning French with this festive 15-song collection from Whistlefritz, the award-winning producers of language immersion CDs and DVDs for children. Performed by acclaimed singer Lynn Véronneau and set to a diverse array of Latin and Caribbean rhythms by versatile bandleader and composer Didier Prossaird, Cha, Cha, Cha will get children on their feet singing and dancing along to playful arrangements of beloved traditional songs (Bingo, Sur le Pont D'Avignon, Les Éléphants, Tombe La Pluie), as well as lively originals that teach about numbers, the days of the week, the months, the seasons, and more. This fun collection makes learning to speak French as easy and natural as un, deux, trois. A song-by song translation guide is included as an easy reference guide for parents and teachers.
Awards: Winner of a National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA) GOLD Award. Winner of a Mom's Choice GOLD Award. Named one of the Best 10 Audio-Visual programs of 2012 by Dr. Toy. Winner of The National Parenting Center's 2012 Seal of Approval. Recommended by the Parents’ Choice Foundation. I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.